
Blind Self Defence

Self-defence Training for Visually Impaired Girls in Bhopal!

A 10 day self - defence training programme ‘Sashakta Netra’ for visually impaired girls...

December 2014
'I can see again!'

Anisha's story

Anisha’s family realised she had a sight problem when she was a baby, but ten years later she was identified and diagnosed with bilateral cataract.

'Now I am very happy with my life.'

Anam's story

It was very difficult living with blindness but Anam didn’t lose hope and continued with his studies at the blind school until he graduated in 1991.

Neeta’s Story

Neeta's Story

19 year old Neeta is irreversibly blind and was totally dependent on her family members until enrolling in a Sightsavers rehabilitation project.

Low vision

Devilal's story

An inclusive education project helped Devilal to learn mobility skills and sensory techniques so he can participate fully in school life.

Shaukat sees a clearer future

Shaukat's Story

A tailor by profession, Shaukat Farookh works in a small shop and relies upon his spectacles, as poor vision could end his livelihood.

'Every child is different'

Gagan Deep's story

Gagan Deep Singh is a special needs teacher in Rajasthan who received training at the National Institute for the Visually Handicapped.

eye health

Shrushti's Story

Nine-year-old student Shrushti Anantkumar found herself struggling to read the blackboard. An eye check confirmed disastrous news.

'I’m now confident in getting around'

Ganesha's story

39-year-old Ganesha Ram, who failed to get a job after losing his eye sight, found money to be so scarce that his son had to be pulled from school.

Hope floats in Kerala

Somarajan's story

46 year old Somarajan Pillai, who lives with his wife and two children in Allapuzha district of Kerala, went blind gradually.

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